The sun had come out, and the weather had warmed up some. It was Easter and exams were coming fast. Devon and I went to the movies. It was early afternoon when we got back. We were both a little tired, so we had a nap together on his bed, he grabbed my waist tight, a little too tight. I woke up first and hopped off his bed.
Devon felt me get up, I had moved his arm from around my waist. “I want to get over my fear of water, teach me to swim.”
“It’s Easter, I do not think the pool is open.” When I worked at the pool back home we were always closed the full Easter weekend. “How about I call to check?” I called the Field House and sure enough, the pool was closed.
“I need you. I want you to stay with me now.” Groggily Devon said to me.
“But I want to see my other friends. I’ve not see them all day.” Biting my lip, I was getting worried.
“No! I need you! Stay here with me tonight.” Devon frowned at me. He was starting to sit up on his bed.
Thinking quick because I was feeling trapped and caged in like an animal. And I wanted out! I said to Devon “Sweetie, you look tired, how about you lie down again and rest.”
Once Devon lied down again, I left his room as quietly as I could. I went to the common area where the computer lab was to do some e-mailing. Feeling shaky and scared I ran into Janay and Tracy. They lived in a different house above mine so we saw each other lots and were friends. “Maybe we should talk upstairs.” Tracy said.
While we were upstairs talking, we could hear Devon pacing up and down the hall, “Aime are you up there?”
I wanted to talk with Paula but she was working the desk in the other residence as the R.A. on duty. So, I went to talk with Shelley instead. Shelley’s apartment was inside the residence where we lived.
“We’ll wait out here at the computers while you talk with Shelley.” Janay said.
I did feel better after talking with Shelley, yet I was still feeling scared.
Seeing Janay and Tracy waiting for me was a sigh of relief. “Aime, Devon was saying that we’re a part of the problem why he was looking angry and lost. Let’s go back up stairs to my room.” Tracy said to me when I came out of Shelley’s room.
Now Devon was getting braver and was walking around upstairs in the hallway where Tracy and Janay lived. It was getting on into the evening. “I’m hungry! And the cafeteria is closed!” Taking a big breath and letting it out slowly, I was nervous, I didn’t want to leave Tracy’s room.
As a trio, we decided to go to the diner on campus for Residence. “I really have to go to the washroom before we go over there.” I said to the girls. Devon came up to the hallway where we were while I was in the washroom.
“Where is Aime?”
“In the washroom.” Janay replied.
Devon waited; I was trapped in the washroom. Hunger prevailed and I left the washroom. Taking a breath and trying to control my facial expression I looked up.
“I need you, come with me. I want
you. You’re my girl friend. I love you.”
Devon was fuming and upset. He
stormed off out the door we were about to leave, then he came racing back
in! “Normally when a person isn’t done talking
and leaves you normally follow him!”
Okay now I was more scared, I froze. I didn’t want to walk back through the halls because that meant I would have to walk by his room to get outside. So, we went outside. Luckily it was not too cold, and it was a clear dark night, no clouds in the sky.
We made it to the diner which luckily was open late even on Easter Weekend and saw Devon coming out of the residence and in a split decision we walked through the diner and down the hall towards the desk where I knew Paula was.
Seeing Paula at the desk made me smile, and J.P. along side Shelley were there as well. I was visibly shaking and almost freaking out.
“Aime, what’s wrong?” All together Paula, J.P. an Shelley looked at me.
“Devon, needing and wanting me, scared and don’t want to go back to my house.”
“Go somewhere else then! Go to the pub even, and have a drink!” J.P. said to me.
They all said though if I’m scared to not go back to my house.
“We could go to the pub; Janay an I just have to drop off
our EFRT jackets.” Tracy responded.
“I need my I.D. jacket, and shoes! Wait, is the pub open on Easter?” I was wearing my slippers.
“You shouldn’t be afraid of him, and not afraid of going back to the house.” Paula said.
As we were leaving and walking down the main hall of the residence Devon had come down the hall to find me. His eyes were piercing blue, and he had a look of disgust and anger on his face. He marched over to me and grabbed me by the shoulders shaking me. “You are in Social Work, you should know when a person needs someone.” I couldn’t say anything. I froze, couldn’t move. Tracy and Janay pulled me away from him and out the door of the residence. Walking again all the way outside to my residence.
As I was locking my room door Devon launched out of his room “I need you tonight, I want you, where are you going?”
Stammering and shaking “Give me my space, go talk to the guys, do homework, but give me my space.”
“I can’t, I need you now.”
We left the building and went to the pub and each had a drink and talked. I was still scared to go back to my own dorm room, so Janay let me crash on her floor that night.
Little did I know what was to happen the next day.
Wow Aime. Craziness!! So happy you are safe now❤
Thank you Jen! Yes Craziness is right!