On a warm fall night in September in Thunder Bay a boy looked at me. From across the room in the dorm. A group of us were in a room all talking and getting to know each other. Some of the group had coupled off and started dating. I had put my books down finally and was enjoying the time with everyone.
“Hey Aime, what’s going on this weekend?” Devon looked at me with his teethy grin.
“Well, l made it to the second weekend of trainings and testing’s for the Emergency First Response Team. Those tests that are coming are all practical scenarios. We’re in teams running around the university campus doing first aide on different people. And then on Sunday we all have individual 15min scenarios to get at least 80 points to pass and potentially make it onto the team. I hope I remember everything!”
“I’m trying out too! I made the cut as well!” Becky said with a smile. “I wonder how many people they will take in total?”
“I think I heard maybe 16 of us?” I smiled back at Becky.
“Why do you want to be on the EFRT? Aime?” Devon asked me.
“Well, this was my first choice due to the EFRT and getting into residence automatically. I was a lifeguard and swim instructor in high school, so it was a good fit. And they have a social work program that I well respected in the province, which is what I’m studying.” I replied to Devon.
“What are you up to this weekend?”
“Playing residence soccer and referring a hockey game.” Stuttering and taking a breath Devon answered me.
The weekend came and went. The team scenario’s and the individual scenarios for the Emergency First Response Team happened. I was not chosen to be on the team. I was heart broken, I came back to my dorm and cried. My R.A. came to my room and hugged me. She knew I wanted to make it on the team so bad. I did find out I could be around the team for some of the trainings and such. So that made me feel better.
A couple weeks passed my birthday and mid-terms had finished. Devon and I were spending more time together. I liked his dusty blonde hair, and sky blue eyes. He had a funny giggle and dimples when he smiled. he also was from a town near Ottawa and I thought that was neat. He played hockey and worked at referring at hockey games both on campus and off, while attending school.
“What do you want to do for Halloween weekend?” Devon kissed me and smiled. “I don’t know, I was thinking about helping the House decorate for the Haunted House competition was my plan.”
“What about officially dating?” Devon took me in his arms and kissed me again, hard. Staring back at Devon in shock I gave a small shy smile back at him. “Really? Wow….um…. Okay.” Thinking to myself this is what is supposed to happen. Meet a boy in University date him, finish Uni, get married to him and start a family. Still to this day I do not know where I got that thought. I’m guessing from the TV shows I watched? Or, things I read?
“Aime, and Devon come, we’re watching Top Gun with others in the lounge.” Sam and Charlie were in the doorway in Devon’s room where I was. “Dee, and Bill are joining us.” I loved that movie loved Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer and the other actors.
We had fun watching the movie as a group. Until the beach volley ball scene came on the screen. Us girls were going gaga over the actors with no shirts on, ripped stomachs, chiseled biceps/arms, sun kissed skin, and gleaming white teethy smiles. “Look at him, his abs are rock solid.” Dee cooed.
“To be hugged by those arms.” Sam was smiling huge.
“His strength and arms are amazing.” I was grinning.
“Hey, wait a second, what about us Your dating us, not them?” Devon was not taking this too well. He looked a little upset. Charlie, and Bill looked at Devon. “Ya, what are we? Chopped liver?” Bill pipped up.
“Oh, Bill, you are all awesome, and amazing, it’s just Tom Cruise, an Val Kilmer are hot in this film.” Dee reassured the boys.
We finished watching the movie and said our good nights to everyone.
Devon pulled me into his room, and with sad eyes said “You don’t act the way you did when you saw the actors like you do with me. Why? I don’t like you watching those kinds of movies.”
With a gasp and big sigh “Well, they are actors, and most likely had to work out to get in shape for the movie to play those characters. You wouldn’t want to see an over weight fighter pilot, would you? And I’m sorry. I like Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer.”
“But I’m your boyfriend, we’re dating, you should act the same way when you see me, and you don’t.”
“I do love you, and looks are part of the reasons why I am attracted to you, and why I said yes to be dating you. Your laugh, smile, and passion, and who you are is what lights me up when I think about you. I’m sorry.”
Devon grabbed me and kissed me.
“Good night.” I left his room feeling a little shaky, why was he asking such questions.
A day or two later I was in class and having a chat with a friend about Devon. “Aime, you’re seeing him through rose coloured glasses. I think there is something going on, you should come and spend the night at my place off campus to get away from him.” I was worried about going to her house. I ended up not going. Because I didn’t want to upset Devon and have to answer his questions again.
Devon was starting to ask where I was going, or who I was with. Even with having a ‘Where am I’ list on my door, if people had to find me.
Little did I know this dating situation would shift and how much worse this was going to get.