Dr. Dan Fisher from the National Empowerment Centre in Eastern USA created and developed Emotional CPR
In 2021 I took the training. I knew after day one that this is a powerful modality that needs to be in schools for educators on how to help their youth through an emotional crisis. As we know physical CPR is to help the heart through a physical crisis. Emotional CPR is to help the heart through an emotional crisis. Be it a small “t” trauma for example you are hurting because you stubbed your toe on the bed, or a big “T” trauma that you were in a car accident or having a huge mental health flair-up.
The training is a 12-hour certificate program that can be broken down into three, 4-hour sessions or two 8-hour sessions. The training is provided virtually or in person.
This training is perfect for pro-d days for companies, schools, first responders, and more.
I offer this training to groups. If you want more information on bringing Emotional CPR to your business/organization/company please use the Contact Us page and request more information.
People who have taken the training have said that they can use this modality in all areas of their lives. Not just in their professional work life. The reason is that Emotional CPR is direct peer-to-peer support. It is not mental health first aid, psychology first aid, or A.S.I.S.T.
A Jr. High school teacher who took the training came back to the class on day 3 saying that she had already started using the training with one of her students. She sat down on the floor with him when he was having an emotional crisis. The teacher said that they were there to listen and sit with him.
Please watch this video to help explain more: