
Being a part of the LGBTQ2S+ Community has not always been the way I lived. Coming out later in life has put a different spin on my world.

Let me introduce myself. Hi, my name is Aime Hutton, and my pronouns are she/her. I am grateful to live on the Treaty 7 lands of the Blackfoot people, and home to the Metis Region of Alberta 5 and 6. I have a passion and purpose to help LGBTQ2S+ Youth (aged 11 – 14) with their coming out journey. As well as I provide training and education to businesses about DEIB and how to create a safe and welcoming experience for employees or job seekers who are a part of the LGBTQ2S+ community and other diversified communities.

woman in  a black top, and a rainbow fabric stretched out behind her. She is standing in the woods.

I am also finally stepping out and creating my book.  A memoir of my journey.   I am sharing with you my own traumatic birth story.  As well as my experience of how I found myself, after years of being bullied and, surviving an abusive relationship.  Then, I finally found my voice and chose to live my true authentic self and rise like a phoenix higher each time.

Check out the Speaking to see how I can help your next event!

Canada needs to be barrier free by 2040. Is your buisness/company/organization ready? Go to DEIB Hiring Supports to learn how I can help your company be ready to support job seekers and employee team members who live with all kinds of disabilities.

Find in the blog section inspiration on how YOU can find yourself too.  It’s all in the steps we take.

Again, welcome to this website. It is my hope I can serve, and support you.